Third M.I.T. Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics June 14–17, 2005  

Design for reliability of stochastic dynamic systems by algebraically derived reduced order models

G. Weickum*, M. Allen, K. Maute
University of Colorado, Department of Aerospace Engineering Sciences, Boulder, CO 80309-0429, USA

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This paper is concerned with reduced order modeling techniques for the stochastic design optimization of complex engineering systems whose performance is dictated by their transient response. Uncertainties in design and operating parameters are considered. A novel, extended formulation of algebraically derived reduced order models is introduced and applied to the stochastic optimization of a structural component. The numerical studies show the potential of reduced order modeling techniques to enable the use of high-fidelity simulation methods for stochastic design optimization purposes.

Keywords:  Reduced order models; Reliability; Stochastics; Uncertainty analysis; Optimization

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