Third M.I.T. Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics June 14–17, 2005  

Filtering and regularization techniques in shape optimization with CAD-free parametrization

F. Daoud, N. Camprubi, K.-U. Bletzinger*
Lehrstuhl für Statik, TU München, Germany

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In this contribution an innovative method for shape optimization with FE-parametrization is proposed. The major shortcomings of CAD-free parametrization are discussed and filter techniques are presented in this context. A global filter for shape optimization with FE-parametrization is developed and applied to numerical examples of basic structures. Finally, some further regularization techniques depending on curvature terms are mentioned.

Keywords:  Shape optimization; CAD-free parametrization; FE-parametrization; Filter techniques; Sensitivity analysis; Locking; DSG shell element; Regularization techniques

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +49 89 289 22422; Fax: +49 89 289 22421; E-mail: