Third M.I.T. Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics June 14–17, 2005  

A formulation for evaluation of uncertain response due to multiple uncertain material properties in in-plane and plate structures

H.C. Noh*
Columbia University, Department of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, New York, USA

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In the majority of research works in the stochastic finite element analysis, the main concern is put on the uncertainty in elastic modulus. This is due mainly to the importance of this parameter in stochastic response of structures but due also partly to the difficulties in introducing other material or geometrical uncertain parameters in the formulation. In this paper, a formulation to determine the statistical behavior due to multiple uncertain material parameters in in-plane and plate structures is given. To demonstrate the behavior of the proposed formulation, some examples are chosen and the results are compared with those obtained by means of classical Monte-Carlo simulation.

Keywords:  Uncertain material parameters; Constitutive relationship; Response variability; Monte-Carlo simulation

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