Third M.I.T. Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics June 14–17, 2005  

Diffusion mechanism at grain boundaries in two-dimensional metals

G.M. Poletaev*, R.Y. Rakitin, M.D. Starostenkov
Altai State Technical University, General Physics Department, 656038, Lenin St 46, Barnaul, Russia

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The present paper is concerned with the research of diffusion mechanism at grain boundaries in two-dimensional metals by the method of molecular dynamics. It is found that the fundamental diffusion mechanism at low-angle grain boundaries of two-dimensional metals is the result of interaction of grain boundary dislocation pairs. The creep of dislocation pairs in the opposite sides is observed in the experiments. The chains of the displaced atoms can be seen in the directions connecting the cores of two dislocations. In high-angle boundaries, the chains of the displaced atoms form between the areas of local pressure and tension.

Keywords:  Molecular dynamics; Diffusion; Grain boundaries; 2D metals; Diffusion mechanism

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