Third M.I.T. Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics June 14–17, 2005  

On the modeling of the Mannesmann piercing process

Diego A. Berazateguia, Miguel A. Cavalierea, Luca Montelaticib and Eduardo N. Dvorkina,*
aCenter for Industrial Research, FUDETEC, Av. Córdoba 320, 1054 Buenos Aires, Argentina
bTenarisDalmine, Piazza Caduti 6 Luglio 1944, 1, 24044 Dalmine, Bergamo, Italy

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With the hypothesis of rigid-viscoplastic material model we have simulated the Mannesmann piercing process. The model has been developed using our finite element code METFOR which is based on the flow formulation and the pseudo-concentrations technique. Since the results of the Mannesmann piercing model are highly dependent on the contact boundary conditions, an improved methodology for dealing with this conditions was implemented. The numerical results were validated by comparing them with experimental determinations; therefore, the model constitutes a valuable engineering tool for analyzing the effect of different operational set-ups.

Keywords:  Mannesmann piercing process; METFOR; Pseudo-concentration technique

* Corresponding author: Tel.: + 54 3489 43 5301; Fax: + 54 3489 43 5310; E-mail: